SJax Will Play

To what degree remains to be seen, but Steven will play Sunday against the Miami Dolphins.As No. 39 told the St. Louis Rams web site on Saturday:“I’m pretty sure I’ll be a little rusty, but just being able to run the ball hard and downhill,” Jackson said. This is the defense that swarms to the [...]

By |2008-12-01T03:41:44-08:00November 30th, 2008|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SJax Will Play

Two Practices Straight

Steven successfully made it through his second practice of the week Friday, and remains highly optimistic about returning to the gridiron this Sunday against the Miami Dolphins.“I’ve had two good days of practice and no major setbacks,” Jackson said. “The leg’s a little sore but I was able to, I guess, give Coach (Jim) Haslett [...]

By |2008-11-29T17:37:05-08:00November 29th, 2008|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Two Practices Straight

The Right Direction

After two weekend practices, SJax turned in a nice effort Wednesday, leaving more encouraging signs that he coud return this Sunday for the Rams’ game against the Miami Dolphins.HIGH HOPESNo. 39 had an increased workload at his most recent practice without incident, suggesting that things are continuing to move in the right direction.“Obviously, when you [...]

By |2008-11-28T21:07:24-08:00November 28th, 2008|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Right Direction

Return This Week?

Steven was able to run during workouts on both Saturday and Monday, and the prospects of getting No. 39 back on the field for the Rams’ contest this Sunday against the Miami Dolphins look promising.“He worked out good Saturday,” coach Jim Haslett said. “I actually was out there with him and did some things with [...]

By |2008-11-25T06:23:15-08:00November 26th, 2008|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Recovering Well

Though he remains frustrated by his inability to return to the gridiron this Sunday, Steven said he is pleased with how his recovery is coming along of late.“I feel really good,’’ said Jackson, who already has been ruled as out for the Chicago Bears this weekend. “Not traveling with the team (last Sunday at San [...]

By |2008-11-22T02:58:50-08:00November 21st, 2008|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Recovering Well

Chicago Blues

Instead of playing the waiting game for a fifth consecutive week, Rams coach Jim Haslett declared Monday that Steven will be sidelined for the team’s game against the Chicago Bears this Sunday.This marks the fourth time in the last five games that No. 39 will sit out.  Antonio Pittman started in place of SJax in [...]

By |2008-11-19T00:41:32-08:00November 19th, 2008|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Inactive for SF

Steven was officially ruled out for the Rams' game against the San Francisco 49ers this Sunday after missing a second consecutive practice on Thursday.“Coach (Haslett) allowed me a day off,” Jackson said Wednesday. “We had pretty good work three days straight, Monday through Wednesday. Today the leg was a little swollen and a little stiff.“They [...]

By |2008-11-15T02:07:55-08:00November 15th, 2008|Uncategorized|1 Comment

SJax Back at Practice

After sitting out last weekend's game against the New York Jets due to a healing quad, Steven was able to return to the practice field on Wednesday.While it's too early to say for sure, signs seem to be pointing toward a return for No. 39 for the Rams’ game this Sunday at San Francisco.“Steven worked [...]

By |2008-11-13T08:24:56-08:00November 12th, 2008|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SJax Back at Practice

Out to Heal

I want nothing more than to be on the field today helping my teammates against the Jets, but I'm just not where I need to be with my quad muscle. This week, the best way for me to help the team is to sit this one out. But don't worry, this is a team game [...]

By |2008-11-09T17:03:31-08:00November 9th, 2008|Uncategorized|17 Comments

On Barack Obama

November 4th, 2008, was a noteworthy day in American history.Senator Barack Obama's election as president was a fulfilllment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream. One hundred and forty-three years after slavery was abolished, a black man will now hold the highest office in our great country.His election allows every child, regardless of race or [...]

By |2008-11-07T19:01:11-08:00November 7th, 2008|Uncategorized|3 Comments
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