Goodbye Lockout, Hello Football

The lockout is over! Finally! I was so excited to hear about it that I had to share some thoughts with you guys.When I got the news, I was on a flight on my way back to St. Louis already. I was flying back in hope that things were going to get settled sometime this [...]

By |2016-12-07T21:15:24-08:00July 27th, 2011|Blog|Comments Off on Goodbye Lockout, Hello Football

A Workout Like Me Winner

There were many entries, but in the end, there was only one video worthy of a weekend workout with Steven Jackson.Selected from three finalists, Jonathan Keenum of Alabama distinguished himself with his entry in the Workout Like Me, Workout With Me Contest. Contestants were challenged to create a parody of this video of Steven training. Keenum's, [...]

By |2016-12-07T07:36:22-08:00July 7th, 2011|News|Comments Off on A Workout Like Me Winner
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